Funeral accessories Preili, all Latvia

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Vītols, undertaker's office

Raiņa bulvāris 10, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
About the funeral home:

Burial office Vitols provides the highest quality services and care for your loved ones, accompanying them in the last stages of life. We are able to provide individual service, preparation of documents, as well as conduct of mourning ceremonies in Latvian and Russian languages. Sale of ritual goods.

Harons, Individual merchant

Tālavijas 31-3, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
Funeral accessories , coffins, crosses, covers, funeral ribbons, national blankets., Ludza, In Ludza, Rezekne, In Rezekne, Preili , Livani, In Preili , In Livani, Kārsava, In Kārsava, Varaklani


Viestura 13, Daugavpils LV-5401
in Dagda, funeral services Aglona, funeral services Preili , funeral agency services, organising the, , funeral accessories , funeral wreaths, undertaker's office, funeral services, burial, cremation, coffins

Rituāls D, LTD, Branch

18. novembra 225, Daugavpils LV-5417
Funeral services in Daugavpils, funeral services in Latgale, funeral services in Kraslava, burial services in Dagda, funeral services Aglona, funeral services Preili, funeral agency services, organising the funeral, ritual services, funeral services, organization of funeral, morgue services, candlesticks, tombstone production, tombstones

G.Grantis, LTD

Parādes 15, Daugavpils LV-5401
Hall for funeral feasts, farewell hall, chapels, churches. Funeral accessories ., Covers, national blankets, funeral candles, funeral wreaths, funeral bands, funeral accessories .

Rituāls D, LTD

Lielā Dārza 61, Daugavpils LV-5404
, funeral accessories , ritual services, burial, funeral services, organization of funeral , morgue, morgue, bouquets, funeral accessories , funeral wreaths.